
Saturday, February 13

Friday: Today we put all our Christmas decorations away. Abbi loved to watch Brad walk back and forth between our house and the garage. Every time he came into view she would yell "Hi" as loud as she could.

Saturday: We had a late New Years party tonight with Brian & Kristy, Jacque, and Traci & Brody. We had fun playing games and eating snacks. We ever recorded the ball drop so we could re-create the real New Years. You can't really tell from the picture, but the girls totally trashed the boys.

Sunday: We decided Abbi needs more Disney in her life. After church we turned on 'The Little Mermaid' for her. She loved it, but had to hold her picture form Nursery the whole time.

Monday: Nothing much happened today. Just an average day. I did teach Abbi how to be cute for a picture(meaning to smile real big) though. Here is her slimey little face in all it's cuteness.

Tuesday: Abbi love to shut herself in the bathroom. She'll knock and knock until we ask who's there. Then she says "It's Abbi" in her cute little voice. I love it!

Wednesday: Today Abbi found my ribbons. She unwound the spools and made a huge mess with them. When i asked her what she had done this is what she did. Sometimes it's hard to get mad when she's so cute.

Thursday: Brad is in charge of Abbi's bath time, and boy does she love it! When I do baths I usually just let her play, but Brad plays WITH her. He pushed the cars around the edge, he floats the animals in little boats and does all sorts of fun things.


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