
Sunday, February 28

Friday: Abbi has a system when she eats. Lets take these Captain Crunch cereals for example. First she puts them all the cup holder of her tray (as seen above). Then she eats all the green ones (if there are multiple color options she always eats the green ones first, no matter what it is). Next she whines and asks for more. I then have to tell her that she has to eat all the colors, not just green. This will either result in two things: 1 - she gives up and will eat the rest (by color...of course) or 2 - I give in and give her more green ones.

Saturday: We had our first "colored on something other than paper" incident today. I let Abbi color with Brad's colored pencils next to me while I'm working on stuff for SYTYC. This time I wasn't watching close enough. She scribbled all over the chair that Emily and I painted last summer. Looks like I have another project.

Sunday: Today was Stake Conference in the old Logan Tabernacle. We got a new Stake Presidency so Elder Kikuchi spoke. He is an amazing speaker and has the most amazing conversion story (it happened in Japan just weeks after WWII ended...I'll tell you about it sometime)

Monday: I got a job!! It's a work from home job, but I had training on campus for a few hours this morning so Abbi got to go play with Kristy and Ethan. She loves it over there. And she loves this barn toy. When you match up the two halves of the animals it will make that animals noise.

Tuesday: Here's Abbi coloring next to me while I answer emails. She love it.

Wednesday: Abbi tool the longest nap today...from 2:45 to 6. I even had to go in and wake her up at 6. Needless to say I got a lot done today.

Thursday: Tonight we set my friend Jacque up Brads friend Ether (the two the on the left). We had so much fun bowling. After that we met up and Brian and Kristy's to play some games.


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