
Monday, February 15

Friday: Abbi loves to color. Now that she is past the crayon eating stage (mostly) I let her do it more often. She concentrates really hard and has to change colors every 3 seconds.

Saturday: What with school full time and working two jobs, Brad is beat by the weekend. He usually takes a nap on the couch every Saturday afternoon while Abbi climbs all over him.

Sunday: There are a couple reasons I love going to the Hardings to play games. One is the fact that Lorie always has cookies freshly baked for us. Yumm!

Monday: This is my favorite part of how Abbi drinks her bottle. She always has to cross her leg. I think It's so funny!

Tuesday: We had a play group with some of the ladies in the ward today. Abbi loved playing with all the little kids. She especially liked the kitchen toy they had.

Wednesday: Tonight Brad and I went to dinner in SLC with the Kelly School of Business. Abbi got to stay with Grandpa & Grandma B for the night. Her other cousins were there too. She loved it!

Thursday: I have no idea how she does it, but somehow Abbi can get one arm out of her pj's while they are still zipped and buttoned. She seems to think it's funny.


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