
Sunday, February 14

Friday: We went to Brad and Emily's for dinner tonight. It was super yummy soup, but Abbi's favorite part was their little dog, Chloe. They chased each other around and Abbi laughed and laughed. It was great.

Saturday: Today Abbi discovered that if she put her finger in the vent hole in her sippy cup water would squirt out the straw. She thought it was so funny. I probably let it go on for far too long but I just love her little laugh.

Sunday: It just hit me today that Abbi isn't my little baby anymore, she's a little girl. It may have been that the dress she wore to church today was too little, but she looks so big!

Monday: Today I finished a new dress for Abbi. Since it was good weather outside I decided to do a little photo shoot with her. We went up to Bessie Lane and took some with the Wellsvilles in the background. Isn't that so pretty?

Tuesday: One of Brads favorite snacks is chips and salsa. This fact has made it one of Abbi's too. She loves to sit up on the counter and dip her own chips like a big girl.

Wednesday: I love to tickle my Abbi. Her laugh makes me so happy. i also love that no matter how much we wipe her face after we eat spaghetti nothing will take the sauce off.

Thursday: Brad let me buy some new pillows for our couch last night. Aren't they so fun and Springy? I really needed something bright and happy after all these weeks of overcast weather.


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