
Sunday, February 14

Friday: Although you can't really see it in this picture, but Abbi loves to dance. Especially with her Daddy. I love to watch them together. It just makes my heart melt.

Saturday: See! I told you Abbi loves to dance. She even gets kitty in on it. Her favorite movie is Cinderella and she loves to dance while the Prince (who she calls Daddy) and Cinderella are dancing at the ball.

Sunday: Abbi loves to have her dad read to her. If I try it while he's in the room she usually throws a fit until he takes the book and takes over.

Monday: We went to the Hardings for Family Home Evening tonight. We played Monopoly Deal and ate some cookies. Emily got her braces this weekend too!

Tuesday: After over 19 months on a waiting list, Abbi finally got into the Child Development Lab at USU. Today was her first day of class. Don't worry. She calmed down pretty fast once they were in the classroom.

Wednesday: Abbi chased Ethan around all night. She finally got him cornered and gave him a little smooch. He did not like that at all!!

Thursday: We've had an inversion in the valley for the past few weeks. It makes the fog stick around almost all day. At least it's pretty, right?


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