
Sunday, February 14

Friday: Abbi sure loves her books. She'll choose a couple, plop down in her Elmo chair and read them out loud to herself. I hope she continues to love them so much.

Saturday: Today was our friend Molly's 1st birthday. We had so much fun watching a movie about Molly, coloring candles and playing 'put the candle on the cupcake.' Abbi loved it, but had a hard time realizing the presents weren't hers.

Sunday: We went to the Hardings tonight to visit with Grandma and Grandpa and Emily. Abbi loves her "Gampa" so much.

Monday: Brad was sick tonight, but he wouldn't tell me that, he just refused to smile. I gave him the silent treatment for a good hour before he finally gave in and smiled. That's when he finally told me he wasn't feeling good.

Tuesday: Tonight we decided to go out to McDonalds for dinner so that Abbi could play on teh toy. Right as we pulled up, our neighbors did too! Abbi had so much fun playing with her friends Logan and Preston.

Wednesday: I missed it! I'm sorry, but I do have a good reason. I went to the Insta Care first thing in the morning and got some antibiotics for Strep throat! Needless to say I stayed in bed all day.

Thursday: I felt so accomplished today. After feeling so sick yesterday I had so much energy adn decided to clean out the laundry/pantry/craft room. It's really hard to take a picture of a room that small but doesn't it look nice?


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