
Wednesday, March 31

Friday: Tonight was our night to baby-sit the kids in our date group. We had so much fun watching Robin Hood with popcorn and playing with Abbi's stuffed animals and a box.

Saturday: Brad's job today was to mop the kitchen floor. He recruited Abbi to help. She loves to help her dad.

Sunday: We all went to the Hardings for dinner tonight. Isn't little Hannah the cutest little girl?

Monday: We went to Brian and Kristy's for FHE tonight. We played games and had the yummiest cookies. I love living by family!

Tuesday: Abbi refused to use a binkie when she was a baby. However, the other day as I was putting all her old cloths away she found some that we had tried to give her before. She loves it now. She calls it "baby".

Wednesday: Today Brad pulled out all the plastic grocery bags from under the sink and he and Abbi played in them. They were throwing them up in the air and dancing as they feel down. I loved it!

Thursday: We went down to Ogden for my follow up visit at McKay Dee today. Brad took the day off and came with us. After my appointment we went to Target and Chickfila. We had so much fun!


Brian and Kristy said...

Yay for Chik-Fil-A! And also plastic bags. How fun. P.S. Ethan is sitting on my lap looking at these pictures and as soon as Abbi came on the screen he screamed "Abbi!!" So cute!

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