
Saturday, March 20

Friday: Tonight Brad and I went to see Alice in Wonderland. I really liked it. it was different than I was expecting, but still good. Anyway, we dropped Abbi off at our neighbors house and Brad let her help him drive. She LOVED it. Don't worry, they just live in the next cul-de-sac.

Saturday: Rosie and Brittney came up to visit us today. So we went to lunch at Firehouse. They are so much fun! I wish we all still lived close.

Sunday: We went down to visit my Dad and Brenda today. They have a huge, open family room and Abbi likes to wrestle with Brad on the floor.

Monday: Abbi and I played outside again today. She had so much fun walking around trying to find bugs in the grass.

Tuesday: Matt and our friend Keith came up today for the "Triple Nickle Wings" at The Beehive Grill up here today. Keith has a bullet bike and we thought Abbi would like to sit on it in the parking lot (don't worry...she will NEVER get near one while it's on). We were wrong. She was terrified.

Wednesday: Aren't these flowers gorgeous? I got them at Wal-Mart a few days ago and they just get prettier. I'm pretty impressed. Now I love to walk in my kitchen. It's so Springy!

Thursday: I love watching Abbi and Brad together. And watching him read books to her never gets old. He never reads whats really there, so the story changes every time. Abbi loves it!


Brittney said...

I'm not a fan of that picture. Hating my double chin. Also, I wish you were in it too. :)

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