
Wednesday, March 17

Friday: Abbi is looking for ants in this picture. She is obsessed with finding bugs, but once she does she freaks out and starts whining that it's getting too close. She's kinda silly.

Saturday: I got to have a girls night tonight. Kristin was in town so she and Kristy came over and we just chatted for a little while. It was so much fun. I hadn't seen Chick forever.

Sunday: We went over to the Hardings for dinner tonight. Abbi loved the piano. I think she'll be an awesome pianist.

Monday: I love this warm weather that we're having now! We went out and played with some sidewalk chalk. Abbi loved it.

Tuesday: Abbi and Brad piled all of her toys at one end of her crib after her nap today. Brad got her out before I could get a picture so I made her get back in. She thought she had to go back for nap. Hence, the tears. I kinda like it.

Wednesday: I started a photography class today. This is Brooke Snow. She's teaching me how to shoot in manual. I'm so excited. And I kinda think it's pretty funny that the worst picture I've taken all year is the one I took at a photography class. Don't worry they'll get better.

Thursday: See I told you they'd get better. This is my "singular focus" homework assignment. I think I did a pretty good job and I didn't even do any photo-shopping! And I love that Abbi is feeding Kitty a snack. So cute!


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